Utah Catholic Conference

Saturday, September 21, 2024
7:30 am – 5:00 pm 

Skaggs Catholic Center
300 E. 11800 S. Draper, Utah 84020

Our Workshops

Session 1 Workshops
11:30 am-12:30 pm

Many couples who suffer miscarriage or stillbirth turn to the Church for help and guidance and many parishes feel unequipped to help provide the spiritual support and accompaniment these couples require. When couples are accompanied by well-trained parish staff that can lovingly guide them and walk with them in their pain and suffering, they will find greater healing and a way to trust in God's will for them and their family.  (Kevin & Kit Cummings - Marriage & Family Life)

This initiative helped bring new energy to new and existing parishioners alike, and caused many to say, "It's all about building up the community of Christ."  Attracting them from the perspective that this is an active and fun community that I want to be a part of, then ultimately leads to greater involvement, greater giving, and greater faith formation.  (Elizabeth Kirts - Stewardship)

This presentation explores how Judge Memorial Catholic High School leveraged the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework, specifically Tier 1 interventions, to reinforce our school's core value of "cura personalis" (care for the whole person). We will share our evidence-based approach to promoting a positive school climate that aligns with Catholic Identity, fostering student growth not just academically, but also spiritually and socially. (Matthew Douglas & Dr. Kristin Kladis - Youth and Young Adult Ministry)

Records, as boring as they sound, are vital to the optimal functioning of a parish and school; without records, a parish or school cannot operate and fulfill its mission to transform the world. For example, without good payroll records, a parish or school cannot ensure employees are treated justly or paid on time with the correct amount.  A parish or school cannot effectively evangelize to the community if they have no process for documenting their past achievements. (Michael Courtney - Faith Formation)

En preparación del Jubileo 25, el Papa Francisco ha pedido a los Católicos que dediquen el año 2024 a la oración.  La palabra Jubileo (también conocida como Año Santo) es un acontecimiento religioso significativo que tiene lugar cada veinticinco años en la Iglesia.  Venga a conocer la historia y la importancia de los jubileos, las enseñanzas del Papa Francisco sobre la oración y las diversas formas de orar, incluyendo la Liturgia de las Horas, la Oración Matutina, los retiros y mucho más. (Maria-Cruz Gray - Liturgia y Culto, Español)

Helping Learners Discover and Share Their Faith: In this session, we will discuss three themes from the Vatican’s new Directory for Catechesis that have transformative implications for our parish formation programs. How can rediscovering the kerygma (the core message of the Gospel) help learners see the need in their lives for Christ and the Church? How can a Christian Anthropology (a Catholic view of the human person) help Catholic parishes build a strong sense of identity as Catholic disciples? How does forming missionary disciples prepare those we accompany not only to know their faith, but to live it? We'll explore practical ways to integrate these three themes into parish faith formation. (Dr. Joseph White - Faith Formation)

This workshop will focus on Mary, Our Mother - who she is, what she means for us, and her messages to all the faithful. The introduction to the workshop will focus on Mary and what we know about her from the Bible and the Apostles. Then, we will reflect on Marian Dogma and Marian privileges. Finally, we will look at Marian Apparitions and what her messages have revealed to the faithful. Special emphasis will be on Lourdes, France due to my previous pilgrimage there. Prayer will be interwoven throughout the workshop. (Kayra Wood – Faith Formation)

This talk will describe the state of the culture and healthcare related to serious illness and the end of life.  It will review Catholic Church teachings and help apply them to real issues today.  Through explaining palliative care and hospice, physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia, and common ethical issues that can come up, this talk will work to correct many common misunderstandings and help empower you to be an advocate for the dignity of vulnerable people around this time of life. (Dr. Natalie King - Faith Formation, Marriage & Family Life)

When my family moved to Utah in the mid-1950s, they brought with them a strong Catholic faith rooted in a deep commitment to not only the faith but the rituals that accompanied them. I would suggest this faith, brought primarily from Mexico and New Mexico, brought important rituals such as "Las Mananitas," celebrated each year on December 12th, and a profound commitment to the "Las Virgin de Guadalupe". To many of us, our faith was woven into our culture, believing to be a good Catholic, you had to be Mexican and vice versa. Our strong commitment to our faith not only moved mountains but moved governments and played a huge role in exploring the new world to include Utah with the Dominquez/ Escalante expedition. (Manuel Romero - Faith Formation)

This workshop will focus on teaching the history and spirituality of pilgrimage, examples of ancient and modern pilgrimages, and especially how to do pilgrimages in your own local community, including walking/hiking pilgrimages either as an individual or as a community. (Luke Stager – Faith Formation)

Stewardship is a lifelong journey as we fulfill our call to discipleship. The concepts of stewardship and discipleship can be awakened in the classroom through curriculum, activities, events, prayer, and more. We will focus mainly on what stewardship is, how we can integrate the message more intentionally into the classroom, and how our school can practice good stewardship through giving, actions, and prayer. We will discuss some ideas for incorporating other concepts of good stewardship, such as stewardship of the environment and community service. (Toni Benysh & Carlos J. Proaño - Faith Formation, Stewardship)

This presentation will address Bishop Solis’ goal from the Pastoral Plan on Eucharist and Catholic Identity: Unity in Diversity - through liturgical catechesis that inspires vibrant and uplifting Eucharistic celebrations that foster Catholic identity amidst the diversity of the community. (Anthony Ray - Faith Formation, Liturgy & Worship)

Esta presentación cumplirá el objetivo del Obispo Solís del Plan Pastoral sobre la Eucaristía y la Identidad Católica: Unidad en la Diversidad – es una catequesis litúrgica para inspirar celebraciones eucarísticas vibrantes y edificantes que fomenten la identidad católica en medio de la diversidad de la comunidad. (Lorena Needham – Formación de Fe en Liturgia y Adoración, Español)

Session 2 Workshops
1:45-2:45 pm

This talk will explore the history of the Catholic Church in Utah from 1765 to 1976 through the lens of the following themes: Native Americans, Rail Roads, Mining and Farming, Civilian Conservation Corps and Catholic Extension Society. Each of these themes had an important role in the development of the Catholic Church in Utah.  (Michael Courtney - Faith Formation)

Being active in the Catholic faith is the calling of each Catholic.  Yet Catholics with disabilities may not feel they belong. Belonging to a parish community includes catechetical formation, participation in ministry, and more. Learn how to welcome Catholics with disabilities to full participation in their faith. Learn strategies for creating a sense of belonging where each person is seen and valued. (Carol Ruddell - Faith Formation, Marriage & Family Life, Stewardship)

Catholic teaching on mental health is one of hope and healing. Healing begins with a proper understanding of our essential woundedness and how to skillfully care for those wounds using the powerful force of faith. (Amy Davis - Marriage & Family Life)

This workshop is designed to equip aspiring and current youth ministers with the necessary understanding, skills, and resources to be effective in their ministry. We will explore the calling to youth ministry, evaluate qualifications, provide practical tips for success, and share valuable resources for continuous development. (Michael Edwards – Youth & Young Adult Ministry)

We are called to have faith that will move mountains and to be joyful servants to our Lord. Often, our lives in Christ are busy, and we can lose our focus on why we serve and can get lost in the busyness of schedules. This would be an opportunity to reset our perceptions and understand how we can help our community to grow in faith and service.  (Mandi Knaras - Faith Formation, Stewardship)

In this session, presented by a seasoned catechetical leader and national catechetical consultant, we’ll discuss the best practices in the formation of young candidates and catechumens. We’ll cover several topics, including developmentally appropriate formation for the rites of the OCIA, welcoming parents and families, and more. (Ana Arista - Faith Formation, Liturgy & Worship)

Conozca la nueva Visión Pastoral Nacional para el Ministerio Hispano/Latino, aprobada recientemente por la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos.  De la Parte 1 de Discípulos Misioneros en Salida con Alegría, Dios en sus misteriosos caminos ha llamado a los hispanos/latinos a abrazar su vocación como discípulos misioneros alegres de la Iglesia en los Estados Unidos.  Sus muchos dones y bendiciones incluyen (pero no se limitan a) una profunda fe en la providencia de Dios, amor por la familia, un sentido de comunidad y una auténtica devoción Mariana.  Únase a nosotros para discutir esta visión que se alinea con las prioridades del Plan Pastoral de la Diócesis de Salt Lake City. (Dr. Jose Antonio Medina & Martha Chadaz - Formación en la Fe, Español)

This workshop will be an experiential (movement-based) class for educators, liturgical leaders, and parents to explore distilling common prayers and theological concepts into movement and art in the classroom and beyond. We will also discuss potential for students and children to feel an increased sense of faith formation through creative modalities, including kinesthetic, visual, and aural. This will help students and children transfer their embodied knowledge to a lived experience of prayer – i.e. the postures we take at Holy Mass. (Kate Blair – Faith Formation)

A marriage enrichment resource, "The Banquet of Love, Marriage as Weekly Marriage Enrichment" is a wonderful program that transforms marriages through the power of the Eucharist. In this workshop, we will take a closer look at the blending of Eucharist and Matrimony as a more experiential movement toward our ultimate calling to become ONE.  As we continue efforts toward comprehensive faith formation and participate in Pope Francis' vision of a Marriage Catechumenate, we will rediscover the central role of marriage in our Catholic theology. Join Crystal Painter and Fr. Rick Sherman in a conversation about the foundational elements of Eucharist and Matrimony. (Crystal Painter & Reverend Rick Sherman – Marriage & Family Life)

There are always more good ideas than resources will allow.  This presentation discusses how to build up and support parish volunteers through a proven leadership development model, which leads to high satisfaction levels as parishioners follow their passions and do ‘God's Work.’ (Elizabeth Kirts - Stewardship)

After connecting with hundreds of teens and youth ministers, we've compiled a list of what teens are looking for out of Youth Group and the ways that successful youth ministers are responding!  The desire from the current generation of teens to follow Christ is incredible, and by recognizing what they're longing for and knowing how to respond, we can empower them to change their world! (Connor McLaughlin - Youth and Young Adult Ministry)

Session 3 Workshops
3:00-4:00 pm

In this changing societal landscape, it can feel like the generations are distant and vastly different. The goal of this workshop is to, through a bit of play and a bit of learning, bridge the gap between youth and adults by finding common ground and learning from each other. The main thesis of the workshop is to see the self-serving benefits of being selfless and empathetic. When we focus on the abilities and positives of others, we find that it boosts our own abilities and confidence. (Rachel Nemelka – Youth and Young Adult Ministry)

When people feel welcomed, they are more likely to contribute their time, talents, and resources. Join us for an engaging workshop that explores the intersection of Catholic stewardship and radical hospitality. In a world where Mass attendance is declining and engagement in parish life is diminishing, discover practical ways to create a welcoming community that enriches the life of the parish - creates an environment where all are embraced, connected, and inspired to live out their faith. Through interactive discussions and exercises, we’ll explore how stewardship and hospitality go hand in hand. Let’s strengthen our faith community together! (Toni Benysh & Carlos J. Proaño – Stewardship)

This workshop will focus on spiritually accompanying young people after their retreat experiences. The goal is to define community roles in supporting their return to daily life following a personal encounter with Christ. (Megan Barron – Faith Formation, Youth & Young Adult Ministry)

Parents are the first and most important teachers of the faith, but it's often a challenge to get parents and families involved in parish and school faith formation. This session, presented by a child and family psychologist and former diocesan family life director, will discuss tested and effective ways to partner with parents and families and evangelize the domestic church. (Dr. Joseph White - Faith Formation)

In this session, Diocesan Archivist Michael Courtney will explain the function of the Diocesan Archives within a Diocesan administration and introduce attendees to primary resources available in the Salt Lake Diocesan Archives.  Local educator Nathaniel Ricks will discuss strategies and methods for connecting students with these resources and using them to meet educational standards in multiple subject areas as well as in parish religious education classes. (Michael Courtney & Nathaniel Ricks - Faith Formation)

To live a stewardship way of life takes an act of faith— a faith that calls us to understand that all gifts are from God, and we are to share those gifts with our family, our church, and others in need. (Shannon Lee - Stewardship)

There's plenty of conflict in life, but Jesus says, "Blessed are the peacemakers." Understanding conflict and the skills of peacebuilding are the first steps to becoming the peacemakers Jesus calls us to be. (Kevin Cummings - Marriage & Family Life)

An exploration of the necessity and power that leisure and laughter play in a life of faith. A couple of points to be pondered: How does a person of faith manage the precious resource of time that God bestows upon us? If Jesus doesn't laugh in the Gospels, how is it possible for a person of faith to have a life filled with joy, humor, and laughter? (Reverend Michael Augustine Amabisco, O.P. - Faith Formation)

This workshop will focus on teaching a general spirituality of the Liturgy of the Hours followed by a practical portion focused on meditating on readings/psalms from the liturgy outside of the liturgy and then being attuned to those graces in the midst of the liturgical prayer. In this session, we will pray Lectio Divina with one of the psalms from the Liturgy of the Hours, followed by praying the daytime hour that includes that psalm. (Luke Stager - Faith Formation, Liturgy & Worship)

Come and learn the USCCB guidelines for music in liturgy based on the document Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship. (Christopher Huntzinger – Liturgy & Worship)

Ven a conocer las directrices de la USCCB para la música en la liturgia basadas en el documento, Cantemos al Señor: Música en el Culto Divino(Lorena Needham – Liturgia y Adoración, Español)

The Catholic home is the fundamental building block of the Church. It is where the faith is nurtured and handed on. We will discuss the different ways a family can pray together, as shown in the example of the lives of the saints, which every family can practice. (Reverend Gabriel Thomas Mosher, OP, KCHS – Faith Formation, Marriage & Family Life)

Jesús utilizó la ofrenda de la viuda del Evangelio de San Marcos para enseñar a Sus discípulos a dar.  Se sentó frente al arca de las ofrendas y observaba cómo muchos ricos echaban grandes sumas de dinero.  Entonces llegó una viuda pobre y echó dos moneditas de cobre.  La pobre mujer, como viuda, no habría tenido ninguna fuente de ingresos tras la muerte de su marido.  Por eso, las dos moneditas de cobre eran todo lo que tenía y, sin embargo, las ofreció a Dios.  Ahora, más que nunca, estamos llamados a compartir nuestro tiempo, talento y tesoro con la Iglesia.  Ofrecemos cosas a Dios para darle gracias.  Dios ama al que da con alegría. -2 Corintios 9:7 (Maria-Cruz Gray - Corresponsabilidad, Español)